The world soul seems to have evolved big time during the last two years of pandemic.
Business performance and revenue are no longer the only parameters on which business is measured. What was earlier considered pure human attributes are now parameters on which organisations are judged.
The latest report Ipsos Global Trustworthiness Monitor for 2022 outlines a seething outlook on how organizations will be judged in the future.
What was human – intention, transparency, responsibility, keeping promises, shared values, organisational behaviour during COVID-19, quest to prevent fake information – are now factors by which trustworthiness of an organisation are measured.
Neglecting these attributes may not be detrimental to business today, but they have started to matter. It has started to matter how human an organisation is. And importantly, it is no longer sufficient for an organization to just have a soul, but to perform actions and inculcate behaviour that manifest the intentions.
Organisational team members now expect more than just their salary – they expect the organisation to contribute to their emotional well being as well.
Recent research by APEX – Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada outlines that teams in a respectful and kind environment possess 26% higher energy, and are 30% more likely to feel motivated and enthusiastic about acquiring new skills and being exposed to new ideas. They also express 36% greater satisfaction with their jobs and are 44% more committed to their organisation.
The question is: In all of this, where does Design fit in?
Cultivating empathy is central to successful application of design thinking to the workplace. Design also plays a central role as it provides a human interface to technology and enables business to communicate its intentions effectively.
Photo credit @karolina-grabowska
Published on 20 February 2022.